An eclectic collection of fiction and nonfiction about art, travel, cinema and other joys.
By Robert Walrod
· Launched 3 years ago
“Robert Walrod points in his writing to the ways that the world of fantasy and what we might call the real world overlap, indeed are one and the same. I liked in particular his pieces about modern retellings of the Odyssey. In the narratives of his own travels, too, the imagined lingers over the real, a fog that recedes with one's step but which fills the vision from a distance. The modern scientific project aimed at disillusionment, but we cannot help but imagine that which we do not know.”
“Robert can take a myth and deconstruct it to its base ingredients. He'll put you in an ancestral century with a fox and guide you right up to how it influenced the Ninetails Pokemon living inside your 1997 Gameboy cartridge. A spring of goodness for those curious about roots and origins. ”
“I love the similarities between Robert's postgraduate experience as a student at the University of Kent in the UK, in comparison to my own as a postgraduate student at the University of Sussex. Robert studied film; I studied English Literature with an emphasis on Modernism. It's interesting to read Robert's writings and see how our intellectual and scholarly paths converge. ”