Love it. I still mourn and sad about this. His works really influenced me as a kid growing up to be an artist. May you rest in peace, Sensei. Thank you for your wonderful works.

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This is the *third* such tribute I've read to Toriyama across all the 'stacks I follow, and I couldn't otherwise imagine a common interest between yours and theirs - just goes to show how deep DBZ's appeal runs across so many demographics.

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Yes. Dragon Ball Z had and has a truly global appeal.

Who else wrote tributes to him?

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Can't find the other one atm but Ross Barkan's piece on his love of DBZ is great: https://rosselliotbarkan.com/p/to-the-other-world

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Beautifully said. Can 100 relate to your feelings around his work having grown up watching DB and DBZ as a sixth grade.

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